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These quotes are used on social media and for communication with parents of students.
"The environment can be artificial, but the language used in it should be natural."
(From the conference "Early English - 3"). The environment is not landmarks or random passersby-carriers. The environment is the thought process in a living language, on which people laugh and cry, argue and reconcile, explore the world and live!
"What if it's easier not to build a language barrier in the first place than to break it later?"
(From the book "English. Tips and Tricks").
"To effectively learn a language, you need to minimize the thought that we are studying this language."
Only in this way can we achieve continuous thinking in the language being studied, the effect of immersion in the language. This is the key difference between the natural immersion method and the standard communicative approach.
"Language is not a goal, but a means of knowledge and achieving your goals!"
It is important to understand that the only language, even with a high level, but without a specialty and without a hobby, is an indicator of the teacher's quantitative approach. For the "take more - throw farther" approach, the methodology is secondary. Effectiveness does not always indicate the effectiveness of the chosen approach.
"A foreign language should know its humble place in a child's life".
Neither English, German, nor Chinese is worth sacrificing the Great and Mighty language of Pushkin and Dostoevsky. The once best world-renowned Russian school education program was, imagine this, written in Russian. Excessive artificial bilingualism and the denial of one's native language for a foreign one have played a nasty trick on many moms who have gone overboard with bilingualism with their children. As a result, their academic performance in subjects such as algebra, geometry, history, literature, chemistry, and physics has been poor. Try reading the problem-solving equations. It is a "text dump" of complex sentences. Everyone can read by the 7th grade, but not everyone can fully comprehend the text. It is not worth depriving a child of this "superpower" for the sake of a single foreign language. Two hours a week plus simple homework is enough to master a language at the level of an artificial bilingual."
"That's why a foreign language remains foreign to many, because it is not learned as a native language."
We teach (and learn) a foreign language differently from a native language, not because it is foreign, but on the contrary, it remains foreign for a lifetime because we present it... as non-native."
"Opening a book is like opening a box of chocolates. We present knowledge like a forbidden fruit!"
(From the book "English. Tricks and Tips"). The key feature of motivation. We never use sticks or carrots. Any stickers or badges cheapen the lesson. The true value lies in the lesson itself, in its quality presentation, not in a reward for it.
"We receive a homework assignment from a student like a bouquet of flowers from an admirer!"
We leave the sandwich principle (praise-critique-praise) for communication with the parents of the students. We accept homework assignments from students with a WOW reaction and without having to use worn-out educational templates! We pay attention, not just give our verdicts in evaluative judgments.
"You may not be a professor, but you must act like an actor."
We are all actors in the deepest Shakespearean sense of the word. There is no need to take acting courses or copy the style of a successful teacher. The art is about staying true to oneself while stepping into the classroom!"
"The success of a teacher is the sum of the achievements of their students!"
The ability to gather large groups does not always correlate with the quality of teaching. We highly value those educators who are proud of the achievements of their students, rather than their ability to sell themselves to their parents.
"The mindfulness of parents is infinitely more important than the individual characteristics of the child"
(alternative version)
"Gifted children are primarily gifted with mindful parents!"
There are no children who are incapable of learning a language. There are only children who are fortunate or unfortunate in having understanding parents. The same goes for adult learners: their mindfulness in choosing a method of learning a language is significantly more important than having such an ephemeral individual characteristic as a "sensitive period tail". The results depend less on the sensitive period or the presence/absence of diagnoses such as SLI or dyslexia, and more on the understanding and proper adherence to methodological recommendations by parents or adult learners.
"Intonation has a structure-forming significance"
(c) Tatiana Morozova, LinguaCat. A successful formulation of one of the key axioms in OSMT.
"Grammar lies on intonation lines"
(c) Olga Soboleva. The original formulation is very difficult to understand and apply in practice. However, it is thanks to this axiom that OSMT students quickly achieve spontaneous speech with competent use of "grammar on the fly".
"Writing won't be a problem... if you don't make it into a problem."
If children are not tormented by rewriting individual letters in a line, not imposing ready-made templates of correct handwriting in calligraphy exercises, if we maintain the integrity of speech in writing, internal motivation, creativity.
"We read prose as poetry. We read poetry as prose!"
This postulate is particularly important in working with songs.
In everyday life, people do not speak with the same intonations as they sing.
When working with songs, it is important to maintain the naturalness of speech. Speak, don't sing!
"Ask the person you're talking to what time it is and see if they look at their watch. If they did, you did everything right."
Quote from the basic course.
"To get an A in school just to pass the exam is like memorizing the laws of hydrodynamics to pass the swimming standards." (c) Valeriya Krylova
"Dear moms! Your child should only hear the word TRANSLATION in the context of a banking operation!" (c) Yevgeniya Zakharova, OSMTStudio Watson
"It is easier for a teacher to play the role of a language speaker than for a native speaker to play the role of a teacher." (c) Olga Soboleva
"A language speaker, for us, is primarily someone who is worthy of carrying the language, not just wearing it like a hat." (c) Olga Soboleva
"The necessary condition for successful adaptation of barrier teenagers is the rethinking of their previous experience." (c) Valeriya Krylova
"We turn off everything that distracts, allowing the brain to work in the mode in which it learned its native language." (c) Tatiana Morozova from a live speech at Galina Bubyanova's event
"Knowing letters doesn't help to write without mistakes!" (c) Tatiana Morozova
"Language proficiency is as accessible a skill for everyone as driving a car. No special abilities are needed for this." (c) Olga Soboleva
"If a person has mastered their native language, they are also capable of mastering a foreign language. The main thing is not to create obstacles in the form of a language barrier." (c) Olga Soboleva from a basic course.
"We inspire with results. We share experiences." (c) Valeriya Krylova. Slogan for #OSMTConference.
"We don't chase trends. We create them." (c) Valeriya Krylova. Slogan for #OSMTConference.
"The language environment is not the smell of coffee or Big Ben. It is the language in which people rejoice and cry, curse and make peace, feel embarrassed and surprised." (c) Olga Soboleva from the OSMTeaching introductory course.