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Mr Crocodile
Организации/пользователи, принимавшие участие в разработке материала:

Description of the game

In this game, one child is Mr. Crocodile.
That kid stands on one side of the room.
The group stands on the other side.
Here's what they say...

Group: "Please Mr. Crocodile can we cross the river?"

Mr. Crocodile: "Yes, you can if you have/are wearing something (choose a color, e.g. blue) on."

For example, if Mr Crocodile calls, “Blue,” anyone wearing blue is safe to cross.

Once the safe players are across to the other side of the space, the players not wearing the selected colour must try to run across to the other side of the room without being caught by Mr Crocodile.

The player that is caught becomes the next Mr Crocodile and the game starts again.

The game continues until all students turn into crocodiles.

В закрытой части (для зарегистрированных пользователей) представлена презентация игры на уроке, методический разбор и идеи модификации.

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Все комментарии: 1

Марина Рябинина
Cообщений: 1
Дата/время: 27.03.2024 05:29:53

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